Wednesday, October 29, 2014

4 different parenting styles

IN 1966 and 1967, Diana Baumrind, a developmental psychologist, published two articles that defined three parenting styles. Those three parenting styles are authoritarian, authoritative and permissive.

In 1983, E.E. Maccoby and John A. Martin published an article that introduced the 4th parenting style called uninvolved parenting. To choose a parenting style, you will need to understand each style and the impact they have on children as they develop into adulthood.


With knowledge of the four parenting styles, you can determine how you were raised by your parents. If you agree with the style of parenting your parents used, then that may be the style you choose. If you disagree with your parents' style, then you can make a different choice. You may decide to consult friends or relatives whose style of parenting appeals to you.

1. The authoritarian Style

The authoritarian style of parenting involves strict rules and high expectations of children. Parents who use this style of parenting do not explain their expectations or rules to their children, but they expect them to follow the rules without question.

When children break the rules, authoritarian parents resort to corporal punishment (spanking, hitting). Children are not allowed to express themselves and the parents are not affectionate or accepting.

Outcome: Children are obedient and respect authority. They also have trouble learning to think for themselves and becoming independent. They may grow up to have problems with low self-esteem and follow the directives given by others without question. The authoritarian style of parenting is considered the most restrictive and least desirable way to raise children.

2. Authoritative Style

The authoritative style of parenting also requires that children follow strict rules. However, parents who employ this style of parenting allow their children to express themselves, and they explain the logic behind the rules they have set.

This form of parenting focuses on children. Authoritative parents expect their children to act their age, to control their emotions, and to learn independence. When children are punished by parents practicing this parenting style, the reason for the punishment is explained to them.

Children in authoritative homes are nurtured by affectionate parents who allow them enough freedom to explore life.

Outcome: These children have a high sense of their self-worth and believe in themselves. They are independent, well-mannered, and emotionally stable. They are respectful of authority and are able to develop relationships with a broad spectrum of people. The authoritative style of parenting is the most recommended style of child-rearing.

3. Permissive Parenting

Permissive parents require few demands from their children. The parents have few rules or expectations. If the children do something wrong, the permissive parent may not punish them. This type of parent is nurturing and affectionate and allows children to express themselves freely. It is also accepting of emotional outbursts and impulsively.

Outcome: The children enjoy a great deal of freedom and independence. They are also spoiled, impulsive, and have a limited understanding of the difference between right and wrong. Children of permissive parents may grow into adults with substance abuse and legal problems. This is not a recommended form of parenting.

4. Uninvolved Parenting

The uninvolved parent demands little from his or her children and only provides the required basics (food, clothing, and housing). Uninvolved parenting is a hands-off style of parenting that does not involve discipline, affection, or redirection of bad behavior. The children's emotional needs are largely ignored.

Outcome: These children may attempt to parent themselves and their siblings. They are often withdrawn, delinquent from school, and have little confidence in themselves. This is not a recommended style of parenting.

Compiled by 1Klassifieds Team

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