Thursday, March 21, 2013

9 steps to successful teamwork

NO man is an island, even at your workplace, as every department has to work in tandem, coordinating and co-operating with other colleagues.

A strong teamwork in the workplace often contributes to greater unity, productivity, and employee satisfaction.

However, achieving total team efficiency is a difficult task as each individual works with a different mindset.

It is not uncommon to see personality clashes at the workplace, as everyone's style of working is different.

Therefore, it is essential for a manager to consider what are the steps to make up a great teamwork.


1. Competent leader - For a team to work well together it needs to a have a competent leader. A leader should inspire, motivate, and ensure that the team is moving in the right direction. They are responsible not only for the success and failure of the team, but also maintaining calm and unity amongst them.

2. Effective communication - Healthy and proactive communication is the key to a good, functioning team. Lack of communication leads to misunderstandings, unwanted conflicts, delay in work, and a horde of other problems. Communication, verbal or non-verbal, is very important for successful teamwork.

3. Transparency - There should be a clear understanding of the purpose of the group. What are the team's goals? What is the team's purpose? What are we striving to accomplish? The clearer this is, the easier for people to stay on track.

4. Delegate responsibilities - If you are heading a project, it is always a good idea to delegate tasks. This shows that you trust other people in the team enough to entrust them with some key responsibilities. It is a great confidence booster, and you may come across people who have great leadership qualities, or methods of working in a team which can benefit everyone.

5. Individual responsibility - Each member needs to have a clear understanding of what they are responsible for doing. Everyone should know what their job is, when it is expected of them, and what are the parameters to work with. Clarifying the tasks and responsibilities of each team member helps to minimise conflicts and miscommunication.

6. Encourage inputs and suggestions - This is very important as people begin to share their ideas in a group setting. It should be supportive, and whenever possible, positive. This helps create a comfortable environment where the team will take chances and become more creative. Learn how to give and receive negative feedbacks and criticism in a professional and respectful way. It is amazing what people can accomplish when they believe in themselves, and are confident in the group.

7. Promote collaboration - The key to a successful team is that everyone shares the same passion and focus to achieve the desired target or goal. This can only happen when everyone on the team is aware they are individually important for the success of the team as a whole. Involve people in the project, give them all the information, goals, and deadlines (if any). Make them feel they are responsible for the outcome. People need to feel they are part of the process. It is the key to fostering positive results.

8. Organise team meetings, activities, and exercise - It is always a good idea to have team meetings and activities like outings, games, etc. This helps every team member to know and understand the other members in the team. Team building exercises should always have a positive emphasis, increasing trust and draw out the potential of each member.

9. Acknowledgement and rewards - Everyone loves to be noticed for their hard work. Rewarding members who have been instrumental in the team's success with incentives such as gifts, extra time off, or other gestures will go a long way towards motivating the team members.

Building a successful teamwork within an organisation not only helps employees understand that decisions, plans, and actions work better when they are completed as a team, at the same time provide a healthier and more enjoyable working environment.


Effective Communication Styles

TAKE some time to recognise how you communicate with those around you. Analyse and note your speaking styles including tone, volume, and diction.

* Identify problems, conflicts and contradictions in how you communicate with others.

These trouble areas will become the focus of your personal development and improvement.

* When speaking, remember to move at a steady and appropriate pace, using pauses when needed, and enunciating words to avoid slurring. Focus on using appropriate volume and tone.

* Identify opportunities to practice and look for avenues for feedback throughout the process. Self-monitoring and review is helpful to grade your progress.

* If you feel you need a helping hand, there are communication programmes and courses available. A number of academic institutions or professional counselors and tutors offer courses and seminars that provide communication training skills.

Source: New Straits Times -  1Klassifieds - Compiled by 1Klassifieds Team 

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