Saturday, March 23, 2013

Keeping your car in tip-top condition

THERE are dozens of automotive services and special services available to prolong your car's lifespan. Some must be performed every so often, some according to fuel consumption, while others depend on your car's condition and driving style.

Generally you need to keep a strict maintenance schedule for your car to keep it in tip-top condition. Here is the plan:

* Frequent tune ups. Every 50,000 km, or at least once every two years, some parts of your car will wear out and will need replacement. This is when tune ups come into play. Tuning up your car every once in a while helps prolong your car's life.

* Brakes are an important aspect of your car. Faulty brakes may result in serious accidents that threatens your life or the life of your loved ones. To avoid these unnecessary accidents caused by worn out brake pads, bring your car to a trusted mechanic for frequent brake services. Secure your safety while driving by making sure the brake pads are in good condition.

* Radiator maintenance is also important as it is responsible for keeping the engine running cool. Over time, deposits can form in the radiator, causing blockages that impair the circulation of cooling fluid, making the engine run hot and less efficiently. A radiator flush service will flush out the radiator. It is important to refill new cooling fluid at frequent intervals. Radiator flush gets rid of deposits and contaminants from the car's radiator system; while oil and lube services get rid of old, used oil with accumulated deposits.

* Fuel injection services clean the car's fuel injectors, and even the fuel tank, from built up carbon deposits. Full oil and lube services, and fuel injection services are similar to radiator flush as it gets rid of deposits from a particular car system.

* Make an oil change every 5000Km. When servicing your car, make sure that it includes a 20 point inspection, such as - oil filter, air filter, battery, tyre pressure, brake fluid, and more. Also check the wiper blades and replace them if impaired.

* Wheels must be in good condition. Last but not least, properly installed tyres that are in good condition are of utmost importance, because tyres that wear evenly and are balanced, provide a safer ride.

If you are unsure about the condition of your wheels, go to the nearest tyre shop for inspection, followed by tyre rotation and balancing services.

Overall there are many checks to do to keep your car in tip-top condition, therefore find an experienced mechanic to inspect your car periodically. Also keep accurate records of your car maintenance plan so that you can keep track when is the due date for the next service.

Source: New Straits Times - 1Klassifieds - Compiled by 1Klassifieds Team

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