Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Final resolution

FOR most of us, every New Year is the time to make resolutions to better ourselves, and the start of each new year always bring hope that we can finally achieve all our goals, if we stick to our commitments in January.

Among the common ones include losing weight, quitting smoking, getting out of debt, leading a healthier lifestyle and spending more time with loved ones.

Sometime, the resolutions you make may be the same as last year, and the year before, and maybe even the year before that. But how many of us do eventually keep our New Years Resolution?

Research shows the vast majority of people do not keep the resolutions they so desperately wanted. So why make New Year's resolutions at all, and if you do, what can you do differently THIS YEAR, to make sure you finally achieve all your goals?

Deciding what you really want is the first step, and here are some simple steps you can follow to get started on those resolutions, and keep your commitment intact.

1. List down the resolutions you would like to make, and after you have listed them, pick the ones that are most important to you - the ones that you want more than others, and which will have the most positive impact for you, when achieved.

2. Put your goals in a productive order and concentrate on them one at a time. It is much more productive to focus on accomplishing one or two things at a time rather than trying to tackle all of them at one go, and end up nowhere.

3. Create a support system to encourage you in the commitments you have made. Find a network of people, whether family or friends and the community, who can act as a source of encouragement. This will also lessen the likelihood of you feeling discouraged and dispirited in achieving your goals.

4. Set a timetable to do the things you want to achieve. Write down a specific date to accomplish your goals, and review it yourself. This is a simple and effective step. Take a moment to review your goals daily. By setting your sights on your goal, and reviewing them daily, you are programming your mind to conceive and believe, which will eventually lead you to achieving it.

5. Start now. Decide on your goals, break it down, make a plan, then start building yourself to complete it. Don't forget to choose something special and significant to motivate you, and which will serve as your reward at the end of it all.

6. Make sure you are positive, and the goals you have set are achievable. Being able to accomplish many things is often simply a matter of just doing it and sticking to it.

Go now and do whatever it is that you know needs to be done to get you where you want to be. Taking a proactive action. If you slip up, be determined to get back on track. Be committed to your resolutions and anticipate a year from now, you will see a different and improved you.


New Year's Resolution:

Stick to your goals

1. Be very specific and realistic, with measurable goals that you can achieve, and write them all down.

2. Get organised and limit the number of resolutions you make. It's better to tackle one a time than all together, and not accomplished anything.

3. Focus on the process rather than the end results. Take one step at a time, and be happy with your progress. The way to get to where you want to go is to complete every small step along the way.

4. Find encouragement and support to accomplish your goals. For example you can enlist the support of your family and friends.

5. Take immediate action and practice new positive behaviors that encourage success.

6. Substitute a good habit for the bad one you wish to break.

7. Set incremental goals and reward yourself for all your small wins.

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