Wednesday, November 19, 2014

10 steps to launch your product successfully

TO launch a new product in the marketplace, you need a strategy that will guide you to success. Launching a product requires meticulous planning, coordination, and a start-to-finish strategy that will serve as your guide on what to do next. Here are the steps:

Planning - You have to plan ahead, and not haphazardly decide to launch something and have it magically fall into place.

Observe and evaluate your competition - Research products similar to those you are launching, and is already well-known by the consumers.

Know what others are doing and find ways to outsell them. Does your product have added features, special warranties, or a better price? Use these information to direct the attention on how your product is different and better than the competition. Create a unique selling point (USP) to differentiate yourself from them.

Design an attractive packaging - Attractive packaging is the key to lure potential customers to your brand. You need to make sure your packaging is both attractive, tamper-proof, and safe. Smart packaging is the first step to getting your product noticed.

Test launch and product sample - It is important to do a test launch to see if your product is viable. Capture the attention of your target market by showing them how your product works.

You can also post it on YouTube and link it to your website.

Give the product samples to your prospects for them to experience it. Test and track the results. Gather feedback to improve your product and keep tweaking it before rolling it out to the general public.

Build anticipation - A successful product launch is all about anticipation. You need to create momentum leading up to something big. This creates buzz and anticipation from those who want to find out more.

Reminding them constantly before the event date is good strategy to build up anticipation.

6 Advertise - You can place ads in several media outlets to reach the maximum number of consumers. There are different ways to advertise, you just need to select an appropriate channel that works.

Depending on your target market, you can use traditional media such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines or even the internet as your marketing medium.

Create a website - Design a website to advertise your new products and offer more information to consumers. Include user testimonials, product comparisons, ordering information and promotional offers to entice buyers.

Engage customers through social media - This is now a very important part of getting products out into the broader, global marketplace. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube can be great launching pads for your product. Have blog posts and articles at the ready. Publish links to all of these content from your social networking site.

This will give your new product the necessary speed to take off the ground.

Hire a public relations firm - Work with a public relations agent with experience in your industry, or in marketing new products. An expert can help you solidify your target audience, determine the best media channels for advertising and promotions.

Hold a press conference - Schedule a press conference with consumers and members of industries related to your products and services which allows you explain the product, offer samples, answer questions, and create a buzz in the industry.

Source: New Straits Times - 1Klassifieds

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