HERE are some options one can consider depending on their home:
Bungalow : If you have lots of spaces and a generous budget for landscaping, there is much that can be done. Fish pond, gazebo, water feature, trees, plants, stone carvings and out door tiles are some of the things that can be considered for large areas.
Apartment : A lot of creative ideas can be thought out for small places like balcony that measured ve feet by 10 feet. Other options that can be considered for this place are a small water feature with lighting effect and potted plants. Alternatively a `sweet spot' can also be created indoors where occupants can retreat to relax and unwind.
Terrace houses : Most terrace houses come with a small strip of land. Instead of tiling all available land, this tiny piece of land can be transformed by installing a small water feature like a fountain, several potted plants can carpet grass.
1. Plan for your landscaping needs from the beginning and not at the tail end of the budget. As landscaping involves lots of mechanical and electrical needs such as sockets for special lighting, water outlets etc, provisions have to be made for these from the start.
2. Be prepared to do some maintenance work in the garden. There is no such thing as a maintenance-free garden. Plants need water, sunlight , and fertilizer - even the indoor types.
3. Know what you want and get the landscape contractors to draw out the layout of the completed project.
4. Find the right company to do the job. Ask around as the the good ones will probably be reffered to you by others. Before awarding the job to the company, talk to the people concerned about your needs, questions their past projects and ask for referrals is possible. Don't be taken in by their impressive portfolio as some of the projects might not even have been theirs.
5. Do your homework and read up a little about landscaping. Don't be ignorant or else you might be cheated.
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